!!! NEW & EXCLUSIVE to bidfood!!! Naturovos Pasteurised Frozen Liquid Egg Pulp Mixture retains all the physical and nutritional qualities of whole fresh eggs including colour, taste and smell. The egg pulp is made from select washed “Cage Free” eggs that are cracked and separated into white and yolk in a refrigerated room. They are then ltered to remove unwanted elements , such as the yolk lm, chalaza and shell fragments. After being homogenized (blended), the eggs go through the pasteurisation process and are ready to be packaged. This liquid egg pulp mixture (whole egg) is an ideal solution for omelet and scrambled eggs, bakery/ confectionary ingredient, pasta making, mayonnaise and many other applications as a substitute to ‘fresh eggs’. No mess, no waste! why choose frozen liquid egg? Always in stock! Preservative free! Food safe! Convenient & ready to use! Time-saving! Minimal wastage & risk Cost optimisation! Versatile use in any recipe that requires whole eggs! Frozen storage up to 12 months! Quality product, produced from selected eggs! Perfect substitute for fresh whole eggs! Great for recipe standardisation! No breakage or spoiled eggs! Certi ed: CODE PRODUCT DAI7468 Pasteurised Frozen Egg Pulp (5lt) DAI7469 Pasteurized Frozen Egg Pulp (1lt) SIZE UOM 4 x 5 kg Jerry Can CASE 12 x 1 kg Tetra Pak CASE
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